
Tuesday 23 March 2010

Sri Nanak Parkash - Post 043

Above is a coin depicting Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji surrounded by his companions Bhai Mardana and Bhai Bala

Now starts the third Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash. Today I will post just the first three stanzas. The first one describes the glory of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji whilst the other describe the physical appearance of Bhai Bala when he was sat at Sri Khadoor Sahib narrating the life events of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The translations are below;

Adhyai 03

Kabit – (Bhai Santokh Singh Ji writes an invocation to the glory of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji) Some poets state that the feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are similar to the wish fulfilling tree known as Parajaat. Some pets compare the feet of Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the blemish-less white lotus blossom. However the wish fulfilling tree of the demi gods known as Parajaat is not conscious and unable to grant liberation like Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The white lotus blossom only opens its face (blooms) during the day while at night it closes. The feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are conscious and the fulfiller of all desired by his devotees? Both day and night the feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji remain in bloom granting liberation. For this reason I have understood that both the Parajaat and the lotus blossom cannot actually be used metaphorically as they do not fully give the praise deserved. 1.

Quatrain – (Now Kavi Santokh Singh Ji is describing the form of Bhai Bala) Bhai Bala is holding a water container made out of gourd shell and is wearing a Kashera. On top of his body he is wearing a white blanket. On top of his head was a turban shaped like a hat. Bhai Bala Ji also had a long white uncut beard. 2.

Bhai Bala Ji had begun to focus on the feet of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and came to prostrate at the feet of Sri Guru Angad dev Ji in reverence. Bhai Bala then began to recount the life history/story of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji from his ambrosial mouth. 3.

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