
Sunday 4 April 2010

Sri Nanak Parkash - Post 054

Above is an image of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Below are the translations for stanzas numbered thirty one to forty five of the fourth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash. in these stanzas Pandit Hardayal Ji finishes looking at the divine characteristics of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and then following this are the details of the joy in Talwandi due to the manifestation of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The translated stanzas are below;

The palms of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s hands are long which represents that this individual will have great riches but not actually retain it for his own purposes. Pandit Hardayal Ji states he has learned the knowledge of the Samundrik Granth (a text on palm reading and astrology) and from this is explaining the different fortunes of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. This child has all of the good virtues. 31.

Pandit Hardayal Ji realised that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s fame would be known far and wide. He eventually realised that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was actually the transcendent form of the Lord who is supreme truth, supreme bliss and complete consciousness. After the Pandit had seen the Guru then the maid Doulata took the baby back to Mata Tripta Ji. 32.

A ritual feast for Hindu priests was held in celebration of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s manifestation in accordance with the Vedas. Baba Kalu Ji is requesting for the knowledgeable men to name the child and explain the meaning of the letters and name given. 33.

Pandit Hardayal Ji said, “O Baba Kalu Ji the name of this child is great and due to this I will name him after great deliberation. Please complete your rituals in accordance to your family clan. Whichever beggar comes to your house do not let them go empty handed.” 34.

Couplet – After saying this Pandit Hardayal Ji left and checked through the astrological readings. He then places a garland of leaves and flowers above his door as a sign of happiness. 35.

Quatrain – Many beggars came to house of the Bedis for offerings as did the eunuchs. People came carrying kettle drums, bells and chains to make music and dance due to the joyous occasion. 36.

Folk songs are being sung with sweet voices form the people who come to the house. The entire village females came to the abode all dressed up wearing jewellery. 37

The eyes of the individuals seem intoxicated like that of an elephant and the women sang like they were cuckoo’s. Those who were wearing new cloths had pale and slim stomachs. 38.

The women were wearing gold which was encrusted with jewels. All other types of jewellery were also worn to the house of the Bedis. The females are wearing anklets, bracelets and a silver chain around their waists. These all make noises when the women dance. 39.

There was a large gathering at the Bedis’ house who was excited to see the child. The heavenly dances adopted a form to try and trick the people of the earth came to see the Guru who came to give the feeling of bliss to the world. 40.

The heavenly dancers came into the house of Baba Kalu and celebrated the arrival of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Numerous drums were being beaten outside the house of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The Dhadhis and Bards arrived at the door of Baba Kalu Ji and gained considerable wealth. 41.

Both men and women are at the door of Baba Kalu Ji’s house offering their congratulations and due to this the size of the gathering grew more. Whatever a person desires as an offering that is what they receive from Baba Kalu Ji. 42.

Couplet – Baba Kalu Ji completed all the rituals in accordance to custom of the Bedi’s clan. All men and women are praising his fame and glory. 43.

Quatrain – “Many people have seen sons born to great families, but no one has celebrated as Baba Kalu Ji has with such enthusiasm.” All the men and women and saying this between them and all agree that the child born into this household is a blessed child with great fortune. 44.

The six customs were carried out (such as to give offerings, to do well, etc) Rice was thrown in all directions of the house and worship was done to eight goddesses. The females in the house were bowing so that the child will have a happy life. (Remember these were the Hindu customs performed before the rise of Sikhism) 45.

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