
Saturday 8 May 2010

Sri Nanak Parkash - Post 075

Above is an image in gold of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji surrounded by devotees.

First of all I would like to apologise for the lack of updates over the last few days, I have been busy trying to clean a load of MP3s for another site.

Below continues the translation of the seventh Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash with the stanzas numbered eleven to twenty.

Quatrain – Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s tongue is like a bow while the words spoken are like arrows. The arrows are attached with the sweet hymns uttered by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji which have made the tips sharp. The reasoning and argumentative words given by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji are the holder of the arrows. 11.

All of the accompanying children carry the signs of the stigma of these arrows on their hearts. The children become intoxicated hearing the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and they become free of pain. The children do not leave the company of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and return home. Due to this their parents come and take them back home. 12.

The parents take their children back to their houses but the children due to having their minds intoxicated do not wish to leave the Gurus side. They wish to just listen to the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji through which they increase their love of the Guru. 13.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is surrounded in all four directions by children similar to how the moon is surrounded by stars. All of the sins of the children are being destroyed by the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is sat with the children bringing them glory. All sit listening to the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji making the congregation of Indar embarrassed. 14.

All of the children are sat focusing on the face of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and none are sat looking at the Guru’s back. All of the children are sat thinking to themselves that Guru Nanak Dev Ji is giving this sermon specifically for them. They have controlled all of their sense organs and sit attentively listening. 15.

Couplet – One day Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was playing with the other children he returned home. Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was fed by his mother and then in his beautiful young form fell asleep. 16.

Quatrain – There was only one Pehir remaining until Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was to wake up, this had been the routine of the Guru since he adopted his divine form. When the Guru woke he bathed and put on some beautiful clothes. 17.
When the day had started then Baba Kalu Ji held the hand of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and walked in the direction of Gopal Pandhay’s school. On arriving at the school Baba Kalu Ji said to Gopal Pandhay, “Please educate my son with all of your focus.” 18.

Gopal Pandhay heard this and after paying his respects gave the following reply, “Your son is already completely educated and he does not require any further education. Only an individual more educated can teach him. In the world I can not see another being as educated as your son.” 19.

Couplet – “Do not just understand your son to be only your son as he is a divine manifestation. He is educated without the need for formal education. He is actually the teacher to us all.” 20.

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