
Saturday 15 May 2010

Sri Nanak Parkash - Post 078

Above is an image of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji

below are the final nine stanzas numbered forty one to forty nine of the seventh Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash summing up the Divine play of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The translations are below;

Hearing this Mata Tripta Ji replied, “In our son are all of the great characteristics and his features are so beautiful as if a lotus blossom is in bloom. He has never cried out.” 41.

“He plays happily with the other children and does not ever use abusive language. He always says sweet words and never fights. Every being who meets him praises him. All of the children remain attached and surround him.” 42.

“He speaks like a grand educated individual. All of the elder children also love Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.” In this way both parents praised their son. In this way there was great delight in their hearts. 43.

At that moment Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was playing with the children in the alleys of Talwandi. Sometimes he jumps from the trees to the ground with the other children. Sometimes he would close his eyes to play the role of the maid. (This is a game of modern day tick or chase). 44.

Sometimes he would run away and can not be caught by the person playing the role of the maid. Then he would carry some of the children on his shoulders so that everyone would know he is playing the role of the maid. 45.

Where the soil is soft it is collected into a mound off which the children take turns to leap off. This is the beautiful child from the Bedi lineage whose jewellery is making noise. 46.

There are lots of kids present from Buddhist families who only keep a small amount of hair on their head. A lot of Brahmin children are playing with Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who is the granter of liberation. 47.

Once a child came into contact with Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji then they continually return as if they were enchanted by a spell. Those people whose fortunes on their forehead have awakened they speak to the Guru and grasp the opportunity with glee. 48.

Naraj Chand – Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the form who originally does no play but it here playing with the children in a transcendent form. By meeting all of the other children he plays with them. Guru Nanak Dev Ji manifest in this form to eradicate ignorance and falsehood. Kavi Santokh Singh Ji is clasping his hands and is bowing in respects to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 49

The seventh Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad) which is regarding the divine youthful play of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has now been completed.

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