
Monday 19 July 2010

Sri Nanak Parkash - Post 097

Below completes the translation of the tenth adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Katha.

“How is this going to be solved? In the meantime take your cattle home.” Hearing this Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who was the holder of all the powers and virtues said, 36.

“Rai Bular in this field their no faults. For what reason do you wish to reimburse the lost crop? If you look in the field not one leaf is broken. You have said all of
this for no reason due to anger.” 37.

“If the cattle have eaten the crop of these fields then take whatever you want from us. If there is a loss then those who are intelligent whilst listening to the words of the landowner do not worry.” 38.

After hearing the words of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the worker of the field said, “Not even one grain has been left by this individual. So send one of your employees to check for themselves as I would never lie to you.” 39.

After listening to both the landowner and Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji the mind of Rai Bular became sceptical. In order to find out the truth requested for one of his employees. The employee walked around the perimeter of the field and could not find any fault in the field. 40.

He returned and told Rai Bular his findings, “I have walked around the four sides of the field and found neither and animal tracks or any plant in the field broken. Everything is complete in every way.” 41.

“From all four directions I have checked and there is not one plant broken. The crop is unbroken, green and long. The landowner is lying to you and he is worthy of punishment.” 42.

Hearing this, the landowner was totally shocked and went to see his field. He saw his field was totally full of green crop. He remained quiet as if he was intoxicated. 43.

In his mind he thinks to himself, “I saw that this whole field had been destroyed and I went to Rai Bular without wasting a moment but on my return it is full and green. What has happened here as I cannot understand it?” 44.

The landowner became embarrassed and did not return to Rai Bular. Even after realising the glory of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji he could not even fall to the Guru’s feet. Due to his misfortune his fortune did not awaken. Due to his surprise he was in love with his field again. 45.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with his father Baba Kalu Ji went on their way home. The owner of the land was shown to be a liar even though the cattle ate the crop in his field. 46.

Rai Bular accepted that the landowner was intoxicated but wondered why he made a complaint to him without their being any damage to the field. Rai Bular regretted his actions from earlier. He thought to himself why did I say such harsh things to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and intimidate him? 47.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is the master of the universe playing such a great game. He went to graze his cattle as an excuse to save other beings. 48.

Without bias the cattle went into the field and ate without anyone preventing them. The crop was left without any leaves and without the knowledge of the landowner became full again. 49.

The cattle all became fattened and great. The udders of the cattle are great and give lots of milk. A large amount of butter is collected daily pleasing Baba Kalu Ji. 50.

In a large utensil yoghurt is kept and churned daily to make butter which is used daily and fed to Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 51.

The cattle were all given milk daily making them strong making their bodies looking glorious. In this way some time passed while Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji assisted other beings on the earth. 52.

The tenth Adhyai of the Sri Nanak Parkash Granth (Poorbarad) which is about the event of the grazing of cattle has now been completed.

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